The series, by Riichiro Inagaki and drawn by Boichi, tells the story of Taiju, who wakes up hundreds of years after all of humanity was turned to stone. A gloomy Taiju has no idea what to do, until he finds his science-loving friend Senku. The two decide to jump-start civilization again – by harnessing the power of science to de-petrify humanity. The first volume will release in September, with an MSRP of $9.99.
According to VIZ, Dr. Stone began weekly serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump in 2017, and has become a popular series based on the readership numbers on the website.
As part of Manga Week, ICv2 interviewed VIZ executives to learn about sales, trends, and what’s driving the manga market (see “ICv2 Interview: VIZ Execs on the Manga Market”).