Invisible Sun blends fantasy, magic and secrets for an immersive role playing game that involves not just a unique setting, but a new form of interaction and play. In addition to the more than 600 pages of text in four hardcover books, 1,000s of cards, and hundreds of other components, players also interact with an app that facilitates between-session play. The core base game is contained in the Invisible Sun Black Cube, which was opened and on display at the GAMA Trade Show. The cube includes everything needed for a full gaming group to play a complete campaign (including the GM). MSRP is $243.00.
Two additional products will be released alongside the Black Cube: The Vislae Kit and The Sooth Deck. The Vislae Kit provides additional game elements, like character tomes and grimoires, which are consumable and finite, that players may want in addition to the copies provided in the cube. MSRP is $36.00. The Sooth Deck is integral to the game, and provided with the cube, but it is also useful in development mode play and for guiding certain game mechanics. A second copy may be useful to players. MSRP is $23.00.“With its esoteric setting, new approaches to the RPG experience, and high price point, Invisible Sun was a riskier product than a more conventional RPG," Charles Ryan, MCG COO, said. "It’s also a very expensive product to make, so we were, naturally, careful to choose realistic print numbers when we sent it to press. It was very clear at GAMA that the risk paid off, though, because the response was pretty incredible. The demand we’re now seeing for Invisible Sun won’t be met by the initial print run, and we’ll have to allocate to distribution.”
Monte Cook ran a Kickstarter in 2016 to fund the game (see “'Invisible Sun' Revealed”), and raised $664,274 from 1,846 backers (average $359.85 /backer).