Alex Ross and Jim Krueger created the series in 2008, with the pair writing, and Ross sharing art duties with Stephen Sadowski, Carlos Paul, and Edgar Salazar. Set near the end of World War II, the Age of Superpowers began, and shortly thereafter, ended. Now the story of the great lost superheroes, whose incredible contributions to mankind changed the course of the world, can be told.
Project Superpowers Omnibus Vol. 1: Dawn of The Heroes is a 584-page softcover that includes not only Project Superpowers Chapter 1: #0-7 and Project Superpowers Chapter 2: #0-12, but also Project Superpowers #½ (Never before collected!), and more than 50 pages of bonus material by Alex Ross. MSRP is $39.99.
The series was popular enough to warrant spinoff adventures by Warren Ellis (see “Preview: 'Project Superpowers: Blackcross Collection' TP), Ryan Browne (God Hates Astronauts) and Pete Woods (Robin, Deadpool) (see “Preview: 'Project Superpowers: Hero Killers' TP”).
Dynamite is launching a new Project Superpowers series in July (see “More 'Project Superpowers,' 'Elvira: Mistress of the Dark'”).