Plaid Hat Games has revealed the next two expansion decks for Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn: The King of Titans and The Ghost Guardians.  Release is planned for October.

The King of Titans Deck includes the new Phoenixborn Xander Heartsblood, who controls the primal fury of natural forces of Vallen, unleashing Shamans, Archasaurs, and Hydras on his enemies.

The Ghost Guardians Deck introduces Rimea Careworn, a Phoenixborn with knowledge of the spirit world.  She can call on the power of her ancestors and lead them in battle to avenge Shadowreck.

Each ready-to-play expansion deck adds new cards to the game, giving players more options with which to construct their decks.  These expansions add a new conjuration that allows players to turn allies into mounted warriors.  MSRP is $14.95 each.

Two other expansions, The Demons of Darmas and The Spirits of Memoria, will release in August (see “Dreams and Nightmares Made Real in 'Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn'”).