A big month for Marvel helped sales of comics and graphic novels to comic stores grow in August, according to information provided by Diamond Comic Distributors. Comic sales were up 5.04% over the year ago period, and graphic novel sales were also up for the first time since April, by 2.91% over August 2017.
Total comics and graphic novel sales were up 4.37% in August, a five-week month compared to a five-week month in 2017. The growth was not enough to bring the year-to-date total positive, though; overall comics and graphic novel sales are still down 1.10% for the year, with comics up 1.31% and graphic novels down 6.73%.
Marvel had an unusually large lead in market share in August, with its 40.87% share topping DC Comics by over 13 points.
August 2018 Comic Store Market Share (Dollar Share)
40.87% Marvel Comics
27.51% DC Entertainment
8.90% Image Comics
4.43% IDW Publishing
3.05% Dark Horse Comics
2.58% BOOM! Studios
1.33% VIZ Media
1.32% Dynamite Entertainment
0.98% Titan Comics
0.63% Aftershock Comics
8.40% Other Non-Top 10
Marvel had the top two comics based on unit sales, with the return of Fantastic Four topping the chart for the month, a nice thing to see for old school fans (and retailers). And the top two books were $5.99, giving Marvel a big boost in dollars
Top 10 Comics by Units Shipped – August 2018
1. Fantastic Four #1 (Marvel Comics)
2. Infinity Wars #1 (Marvel Comics)
3. Batman #52 (DC Comics)
4. Batman #53 (DC Comics)
5. Amazing Spider-Man #3 (Marvel Comics)
6. The Sandman Universe #1 (MR) (DC Comics)
7. Amazing Spider-Man #4 (Marvel Comics)
8. Superman #2 (DC Comics)
9. Justice League #5 (DC Comics)
10. Justice League #6 (DC Comics)
The top dollar comics chart shows how Marvel made hay in August; Marvel had seven of the top ten comic titles by dollars invoiced, compared to only four of the top 10 by units.
Top 10 Comics by Dollars Invoiced – August 2018
1. Fantastic Four #1 (Marvel Comics)
2. Infinity Wars #1 (Marvel Comics)
3. The Sandman Universe #1 (MR) (DC Comics)
4. Batman #52 (DC Comics)
5. Punisher #1 (Marvel Comics)
6. Batman #53 (DC Comics)
7. Amazing Spider-Man #3 (Marvel Comics)
8. Infinity Wars #2 (Marvel Comics)
9. Amazing Spider-Man #4 (Marvel Comics)
10. Venom: First Host #1 (Marvel Comics)
It hasn’t been on TV for years, but The Legend of Korra is still a potent property, topping the unit sale graphic novel chart. DC Super Hero Girls remains strong, coming in at #2. Image had half of the Top 10 titles, all volumes of ongoing series.
Top 10 Graphic Novels by Units Shipped – August 2018
1. Legend of Korra Volume 3: Turf Wars Pt 3 TP (Dark Horse Comics)
2. DC Super Hero Girls: Out of the Bottle TP (DC Comics)
3. East of West Volume 8 TP (Image Comics)
4. Black Panther Book 1: A Nation Under Our Feet TP (Marvel Comics)
5. Spider-Man/Deadpool Vol. 1: Isn't It Bromantic? TP (Marvel Comics)
6. Rat Queens Vol. 5: Colossal Magic Nothing TP (MR) (Image Comics)
7. The Flash Vol. 1: Lightning Strikes Twice TP (DC Comics)
8. Kill or Be Killed Volume 4 TP (MR) (Image Comics)
9. I Hate Fairyland Volume 4 TP (MR) (Image Comics)
10. Sex Criminals Vol. 5: Five-Fingered Discount TP (MR) (Image Comics)
The top graphic novels by dollars again shows the importance of up-price products to building Marvel’s sales, pushing Marvel to seven of the top 10 products in August.
Top 10 Graphic Novels by Dollars Invoiced – August 2018
1. Punisher Max by Garth Ennis Omnibus Vol. 2 HC (MR) (Marvel Comics)
2. Jack Kirby: Marvel Heroes & Monsters Artist Edition (IDW Publishing)
3. X-Men Revolution by Chris Claremont Omnibus HC (Marvel Comics)
4. Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection: Venom TP (Marvel Comics)
5. Spider-Man/Deadpool Vol. 1: Isn't It Bromantic? TP (Marvel Comics)
6. Black Panther Book 1: A Nation Under Our Feet TP (Marvel Comics)
7. The Flash Vol. 1: Lightning Strikes Twice TP (DC Comics)
8. X-Men: Dark Phoenix Saga Omnibus HC (Marvel Comics)
9. Seven Soldiers by Grant Morrison Omnibus HC (DC Comics)
10. Infinity Gauntlet TP (Marvel Comics)
For our estimates of actual sales by Diamond U.S. from comic specialty stores on comic books shipped during August, see "Top 500 Comics Actual--August 2018."
For our estimates of actual sales by Diamond U.S. from comic specialty stores on graphic novels shipped during August, see "Top 500 Graphic Novels Actual--August 2018."
For links to all previous Top 300 Comic and Top 300 Graphic Novel articles, see "ICv2 Top 300 Comics and Top 300 GNs Index."

As Marvel Dominates Share
Posted by ICv2 on September 14, 2018 @ 6:05 am CT

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