Scott Almes’ Tiny Epic empire began with Tiny Epic Kingdoms in 2014 (see “'King's Forge,' 'Tiny Epic Kingdoms,' and 'Alien Frontiers'”), a micro-sized 4X civilization building game, which spawned Tiny Epic Galaxies, Tiny Epic Defenders, Tiny Epic Western, Tiny Epic Zombies and more. In Tiny Epic Quest, the ITEMeeples were introduced, allowing the player tokens to be customized with weapons (see “Scott Almes' 'Tiny Epic Quest'”). Now Tiny Epic Mechs introduces molded plastic power suits and mech suits that snap right on the Meeples.
Tiny Epic Mechs is an arena-style player-vs-player area control and action programming game. Players compete in a battle royale for six rounds, programming four of eight available actions on their turn as they roam the battlefield in search of defensive turrets, resources, weaponry, planting explosives and hopefully acquiring the one Mech Suit researched for the king of the hill. During combat, players use one weapon at a time in a fight, so it pays to stockpile them. Dealing damage to other combatants will impress the audience, and help score victory points each round.The game is for 1 – 4 players. MSRP is $25.00. Release is planned for Summer 2019.
The game is being funded via Kickstarter, and easily passed it’s $15,000 goal on the first day. The campaign has raised more than $308,000 from more than 8,600 backers as of this writing and will continue through October 6. Backer fulfillment is scheduled for August 2019.
There are several pictures in the gallery below, and also the Kickstarter preview trailer, because it’s, well, epic.