The Right Stuf International, the company responsible for the American edition of the hit anime comedy His & Her Circumstances, has announced plans to release the first volume of the Comic Party anime series on March 30, a release date that will roughly coincide with the appearance of the first volume of Comic Party manga from Central Park Media (see 'CPM Manga Celebrates Doujinshi'). Both the Comic Party manga and anime manage to parody and poke fun at the entire manga and anime industry in Japan. The story of an ordinary teenager, who enters the chaotic and creative world of amateur comics (doujinshi) in Japan, Comic Party manages to spoof various key elements of the world of anime and manga including Gundam, Evangelion, Initial D and Wedding Peach.
As was the case with the Right Stuf's His & Her Circumstances, the Comic Party DVDs will be released through ADV. The first volume contains episodes #1-3 and comes in a regular edition ($29.95 srp) and in a Limited Edition Slipcase Artbox ($39.95). The Artbox includes room for the entire series of DVDs.