CMON will release an updated version of Artipia Games’ real time sci-fi squad game Project: ELITE in late 2019. The game is currently seeking funding on Kickstarter.

CMON announced plans for the updated version of the game earlier this year (see “CMON Revamps 'Project: ELITE'”), which will include new miniatures, new team members, new enemies, new scenarios, and new artwork. Players take the role of members of a special ops team tasked with halting an alien invasion of Earth. In each Mission, players have 8 rounds of 2 minutes to coordinate movement, stop the alien invaders, and return to base. The game comes with three difficulty levels.

The base game includes 6 heroes, 8 bosses, 45 swarm aliens, 6 hero dashboards and tracker cubes, 24 custom action dice, 18 hit dice, 1 double-sided game board, 140 cards,1 electronic time, 112 tokens, and 6 counter bases. The game is for 1 – 6 players, ages 14 and up, and plays in 60 minutes. MSRP was not announced. Retail release will follow Kickstarter backer fulfillment.

CMON is hosting a retailer pledge option on its website as part of its North American CMON Play program. Eligible retailers can pledge for copies of the game along with all applicable stretch goals (equal to the Terran Pledge level) in increments of 6, 9, or 12. Retailer backers may also order Optional Buys up to the number of pledges ordered. A commitment deposit of $100.00 must be paid through the Pledge Manager system for bundle packs, with the remainder due via invoice ahead of product shipment.  Retailers agree not to breakdown the bundles and resell promotional items separately.

The abbreviated 14-day Kickstarter blew through its $100,000 goal in 32 minutes, and as of this writing, has raised more than $175,000 from more than 2,000 backers. Backer fulfillment is scheduled for November 2019.