Designed by Mike Elliott (Thunderstone, Quarriors!), Terror Below takes place in the dusty deserts of Nevada, where government experiments have gone rogue and escaped the containment facility. Now the scientists need the locals help in collecting the sand W.O.R.M.s (Weapons of Remote Massacre) and their eggs. The Worms are hiding underground, but they are attracted by vibrations, and they are vicious when they attack. Players must grab a vehicle and navigate the difficult terrain to collect Worm Eggs and deliver them to bounty locations.
The game is for 2 – 5 players, ages 10 and up, and plays in 45 – 60 minutes. MSRP is $45.00.
The game is currently raising funds on Kickstarter, and easily met its $10, 000 in the first 90 minutes. The campaign with continue through February 27. There is a retailer level available for a $60.00 deposit, allowing retailers access to preorder copies of the game as well as the Hidden Cache Kickstarter Exclusive Bonus Content (MSRP $20.00). Retailer backers will also have access to purchase future case packs of Hidden Cache after retail release to compliment future stock from distributors. Backer fulfillment is planned for August, with trade release to follow.