Six hero characters from the 1990’s animated X-Men series will make up the X-Men the Animated Series, the Dark Phoenix Saga Fast Forces set: Wolverine, Rogue, Beast, Storm, Gambit, and Jubilee. The set is designed to provide players with a complete playable thematic team or act a starting point for players that want to construct teams from the wider Dark Phoenix Saga set. MSRP is $16.99.
The complete 82-figure set will be available in Dark Phoenix Saga Colossal Boosters. Each Colossal Booster comes with four standard sized figures plus one larger 2x2 Clix Base sized figure. This set will also be the first time that “colossal” sized figures will be included in a set as Prime figures. Colossal figures will include Nimrod, the Dark Phoenix, and the Shadow King, among others.
The set will include standard-sized figures with the following rarities: 12 common (plus 1 prime), 12 uncommon (plus 1 prime), 10 rare (plus 1 prime), 10 super-rare (plus 1 prime), and 6 chase figures. The 2x2 Clix Base figures include these rarities: 10 uncommon (plus 1 prime), 10 rare (plus 1 prime), and 5 super-rare (plus 1 prime). Colossal Boosters will be sold in 10-count Colossal Booster Bricks. MSRP is $169.90 per Colossal Booster Brick ($16.99 per Colossal Booster).Click on the gallery below for a preview of some of the figures from the set.
As an accessory, WizKids will also release the X-Men the Animated Series, the Dark Phoenix Saga Dice and Token Pack, which includes a pair of custom dice featuring a Dark Phoenix icon and six action tokens with images of different X-Men characters on one side and bystanders on the reverse. MSRP is $9.99.
The release of the new set will be supported with the Marvel HeroClix: X-Men the Animated Series, the Dark Phoenix Saga Release Day OP Kit, available to retailers that want to host a release day event for the expansion. Each Release Day OP Kit includes three limited edition Magneto figures and character cards, five double-sided maps, and instructions for running the event.
WizKids was showing off some figures from the upcoming Marvel HeroClix: Avengers Black Panther and the Illuminati set at the GAMA Trade Show (see “Nolzur’s Marvelous Giants and Dragons, ‘Marvel HeroClix,’ ‘Star Trek’ Photos”). That set will release in June (see “‘Marvel HeroClix: Avengers Black Panther and the Illuminati’”).
Twentieth Century Fox’s take on the Marvel X-Men story will be hitting theaters on June 7 (see “New Trailer and Poster Reveal for Fox's 'Dark Phoenix'”).