The Future Fight mobile games brought classic Marvel superheroes from comics to games, and now Marvel is bringing some original characters from the games to comics.
Marvel announced three new one-shot comics at Comic-Con International in San Diego: White Fox #1, Luna Snow #1, and Crescent and Io #1. All are written by Alyssa Wong and will have regular and virgin variant covers by InHyuk Lee, Netmarble variants by Yongjoon Cho, and Future Avengers variants by Monstress artist Sana Takeda. In addition, each 40-page comic includes an all-new story featuring the Future Avengers.
The three characters made their comics debuts in the Marvel miniseries War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas, but this is the first time each one takes center stage in their own title. All three comics are due out in October; all three are rated T for teens and priced at $4.99.
Future Fight Firsts: Luna Snow #1 features artist Gang Hyuk Lim. Luna Snow is a South Korean pop music idol, and she also has the power to immobilize her enemies by freezing them. This comic too explores the character’s origin story, which is somehow mixed up with Stark Industries.
Future Fight Firsts: Crescent and Io #1, illustrated by Jon Lam, tells the story of a young South Korean girl, Dan Bi, who summons the a mystical bear spirit from the ancient world to form the superhero team known as Crescent and Io.
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