Draft Box 5 is themed as "Battle of the Deities" because it features battles between Gods and Angels across the multiverse. It includes Gods and Angels from all 12 universes in this 292-card set with 178 types of cards: a Promotional Leader, 60 Commons, 45 Uncommons, 36 Rares, 24 Super Rares, and 12 Exclusive Rares. This product is configured with 4 sets per box, and 6 boxes per case. A single set will retail for $99.99. and will be available in March 2020.
Expansion Set 11 & 12 includes a sneak peak at the Unison Card type which will debut in the next series. Expansion Set 11 comes with a new Vegeta Leader Card and Expansion Set 12 has a Toppo Leader card type. Each Expansion Set features 13 cards total, with 7 new card types, and a card case depicting the Leader Card. These sets have a retail price of $16.99, and will arrive in May 2020.
Bandai announced two sets for Evangelion Card Game (see "Bandai Reveals 'Evangelion Card Game'").
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