This new books explores the sordid history of The Little Mermaid's infamous sea witch Ursula. Before the events of Disney's The Little Mermaid, Ursula was one of seven sea witches that ruled the Seven Seas. In this tale, one of Ursula’s sea sisters was stripped of all her powers. Ursula goes on a hunt to find out which of the merfolk did it in an effort to punish them for their defiance of her and her sisters ultimate authority over the oceans.
Villains #1: Ursula and The Seven Seas is written by Sherri L. Smith featuring art by Gabriele Bagnoli. This series is part of a larger push for Disney to monetize its villains, much like they have done with their Disney Princesses. Ravensburger has enjoyed a great deal of success as a result of this push with their Villainous games (see "New 'Villainous' Expansion Goes From 'Wicked' To 'Wretched'").