This new collection features five animated tales of DC characters. The anthology is anchored by Batman: Death in the Family, an animated version of the iconic story from the 1988 DC comic event where fans voted for the story's ending. This animated short about the untimely death of Batman's protege Jason Todd is directed by Brandon Vietti, who also directed the Batman: Under the Red Hood and Superman: Doomsday animated movies.
"Batman: Death in the Family is essentially a comic book come to life," says Vietti. "We've paid homage to the 1988 interactive experience of DC's 'A Death in the Family' comics release by giving fans a unique opportunity to craft their own story through a branching tool that can lead in multiple directions. The viewer gets to choose these characters' paths, and each choice paves an alternate future for all of the characters and, ultimately, the story."
The other four shorts, which were originally included with DC Universe movies since summer 2019, feature heroes like Sgt. Rock, Adam Strange, Death, and The Phantom Stranger. DC Showcase Animated Shorts - Batman: Death in the Family Interactive Movie will retail for $24.95 on Blu-ray.
Warner Bros. will also release a new animated feature, Superman: Man of Tomorrow, on 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Combo Pack and Blu-ray Combo Pack on September 8 (see "Warner Bros. and DC Will Release 'Superman: Man of Tomorrow' Animated Feature Film").