In the late 70s, Hanna-Barbera Productions released a Saturday morning cartoon called The Robonic Stooges on CBS. It featured The Three Stooges, Larry, Moe, and Curly, as cyborg superheroes who apprehended criminals despite their clumsy disposition. This series ran for 16-episodes between September 1977 and January 1978, and was eventually cancelled for good. Publisher American Mythology is now helping revive this long-lost series with a new comic book series.
The Robonic Stooges series will launch with two stories in the inaugural issue. The first story is a parody story of Marvel's The Infinity Gauntlet called "The Imbecile Gauntlet" which will be written S.A. Check. In this adventure, The Robonic Stooges battle against the intergalactic threat known as Oreganose. The other story is entitled "Fright at the Museum" and was written by Jordan Gershowitz. Interior art for this first issue was rendered by Jorge Pacheco and Philip Murphy, and the main covers was created by Eisner-award winning artist Eric Shanower with a variant cover by Jorge Pacheco.
The Robonic Stooges #1 will retail for $3.99.
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