Asmodee USA announced Excavation: Earth, an artifact collecting board game by Mighty Boards, for release into U.S. retail on February 12.

In Excavation: Earth, players lead a team of alien archaeologists as they excavate human artifacts to create an Earth art collection. Players draft cards and use them to reveal artifacts in excavation sites all over the map. The cards can also be used to deploy traders in markets, and manipulate market prices so they can maximize profit from the sale of the artifacts. The goal of the game is for players to end up with the coolest collection of Earth artifacts among the art museums in the Union of Free Races.

The game box comes with a main board, a Buyer board, Mothership board, 5 Faction boards, 90 Artifact tiles, 15 Faction wooden explorer pawns, 110 Faction wooden crew cubes, 5 Faction wooden turn order markers, 50 buyer pawns in 5 colors, 7 white wild buyer pawns, a wooden round marker, 60 Action cards, 12 Travel cards, 17 Buyer cards, 12 Command cards, 68 Credit tokens, 4 initiative tokens, and 4 player aids. This game is for one to four players, ages 14 and up, plays in 30 to 90 minutes, and will retail for $55.00.

Asmodee USA will release Pakal, a real-time sliding-puzzle game by Cranio Creations, into U.S. trade on February 12 (see "Asmodee USA Will Release 'Pakal' for U.S. Trade").