Kevin Smith and Rob David, Executive Producers of the upcoming MOTU Netflix animated series (see "Kevin Smith Unveils 'He-Man' Animated Series"), are kicking off the storyline for their new show with a prequel comic book published by Dark Horse. He-Man's father King Randor is attacked by an Orlax that is somehow linked to the origin of the sword of power. He-Man tries to save his father and end the chaos plaguing the kingdom which brings him to a confrontation with Skeletor and Evil-Lyn.
The story for this comic is created by Kevin Smith and Rob David. The book was written by Tim Sheridan with artwork rendered by Mindy Lee. The main covers for the first issue were provided by StjepanSejic, and this issue will feature a variant by Hellboy's Mike Mignola with Dave Stewart. Mignola previewed his involvement with this book last year when he tweeted a sketch that looks strikingly similar to the actual cover piece (see below).
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