In Winter Queen, players take on the role of queen's sorcerers who are tasked with making magical ornaments from enchanted crystals. On each turn, a player puts a crystal onto the board or uses crystals on the board to score victory points. The game box comes with a Queendom Map board, 45 Enchanted Crystals, a Crystals bag, 4 Crystal Holder tiles, 20 Spell Book tiles, 8 Queen's Domain tiles, 36 Victory Points tokens, a Winter Queen token, 4 reference cards, and a rulebook.
This game is for two to four players, ages 10 and up, and plays in 20 to 40 minutes. It will retail for $39.00.
PSI Playhouse picked up distribution of CrowD Games last year (see “PSi To Distribute Skybound Entertainment's Tabletop Games“).