The Game Manufacturer's Association recently began their 2022 Board Elections to fill the remaining six director positions.

This election marks the second phase of the board transition, which began last year with a special election for the first six new directors (see "GAMA Reveals Special Election Results"). Electronic ballots have been sent out to the designated representative of each voting member with the list of candidates. Members will have till March 31, 2022 at 12 pm ET to cast their ballot and can vote for one candidate per group. The candidates for the director positions are as follows (by category):

Creator Director

  • Matt Fantastic, Forever Stoked Studios
  • Lenny Gotter, 1985 Games
  • Mark Starr, Starr Creations LLC

Media & Events Director

  • Nicole Brady,
  • Thomas Gofton, Lynnvander Studios/Six Sides of Gaming

Production Director

  • Radek Gronus, Fabryka Kart
  • Michael Maggiotto Jr, BEST Human Capital & Advisory Group

Publisher Director

  • Emiliano Morado, Warlord Games
  • Frank West, The City of Games
  • Julie Yeager, Steve Jackson Games

Wholesale Director

  • Sito Sanchez, Peachstate Hobby Distribution

In addition to the board elections, GAMA also revealed the results of the Retail Officer elections for the Retail Voting Membership Group, which took place at their annual meeting on March 21, 2022. The following retailers were elected as officers: Dee Connell (Main Street Fun and Games), John Coviello (Little Shop of Magic), Courtney Hartley (Bonus Round Game Cafe), and Jennifer Ward (Crazy Squirrel Game Store). These RVMG Officers will hold an organizational meeting later on and select their second Director for the board.