The Game Manufacturers Association announced that they have elected a new board member to fill Frank West's vacated Publisher Director's seat. Frank West left the board in November 2022, and stepped down as President of the GAMA Board after serving only three months in that position (see "President Steps Down ").

The seat will be filled by Jason Matthews of Fort Circle Games. Matthews' experience in the games industry ranges from being a freelance game designer to serving as a board member of the Dietz Foundation.  

“I have spent more than 40 years in the gaming hobby and attended my first Origins in 1986," said Matthews. "It always seemed my participation in the hobby would just be as an enthusiast; writing reviews, playtesting games, and helping to organize a local con. But well, Ananda Gupta and I designed a game together and it did reasonably well, and I’ve been much more engaged with the industry part of GAMA ever since."

The term for Matthews' Publisher Director seat will run through March 31, 2024.