"Explore the Store" is ICv2's feature series of articles that showcase the layout, inventory, and decor of local gaming and comic book stores across the United States. ICv2 recently visited Little Shop of Magic at 7265 Arroyo Crossing Pkwy #115, Las Vegas, NV 89113.

Little Shop of Magic is THE Las Vegas retail business for anyone seeking tabletop games. John Coviello, who currently serves on the GAMA Board of Directors (see "GAMA Election News"), founded this store in 1994 as very literally a "little shop that carries Magic cards." Since then, the store has won several accolades, locally and nationally, and has grown considerably. The newest iteration of the retail space includes a large gaming space and an unrivaled stock of miniatures, games, and more. The shop has everything to serve the tabletop gaming needs of the Las Vegas metropolitan area, and a perfect stop ICv2's tour of the west coast that happened in September 2023.

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