Corvus Belli will release Infinity: Aftermath Character Pack, a new miniatures pack, into retail on November 30, 2023.

This miniatures pack features the protagonists from Corvus Belli's new graphic novel Infinity: Aftermath, which focuses on the illegal gambling scene in the Aristeia! setting (see "'Aristeia!' (Board Game)").  In this story, greed and vengeance drives young hacker and Caledonian fighter to rig a game of Aristeia!, and the pair and their Zellenkrieger friends somehow end up in an international conspircy.  The boxed set comes with five miniatures: Denma Connolly, Caledonian Zellenkrieger; Ishinomori, Extreme Zellenkrieger; K1llj0y, Zellenkrieger; Raiza the Whispering Death, Zellenkrieger and Uhahu, Hacker for Hire.

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