Wizards of the Coast announced updates to EventLink, the online scheduling system for Magic: The Gathering organized play.

The biggest update to EventLink, in the newest batch of improvements, is the addition of tools that allow retailers to make templated events recur. Retailers can now template events like FNM and Standard Showdown and have them recur at the frequency of their choice until the date of their choice. This features should save a little time when scheduling events in advance.

The WotC EventLink team also cleaned up the error messaging for Bulk Import. The new error messaging is clearer and requires user interaction to dismiss.

Wizards of the Coast also placed Secret Lair x Doctor Who: Regeneration, a drop set for Magic: The Gathering, onto preorder (see "'Secret Lair x Doctor Who: Regeneration' Hits Preorder").

Click on Gallery below for screenshots of updated EventLink components!