One of the most talked about companies at Gen Con 2024 was clearly Renegade Game Studios.  To see what all the buzz was about, ICv2 stopped by their booth to check out their new releases.

Aside from the launch of the D&D: 2024 Players Handbook (see "Inside the Brand-New 'Dungeons & Dragons: 2024 Player's Handbook'"), the hotness at Gen Con 2024 was Heroscape.  This was really the first time the product for the re-launch of this classic miniatures game was truly "out-and-about" for fans to try.  For the most part, the launch lived up to the hype and players dove into the dozens of demos available at Renegade's play areas.  Back at the booth though, Renegade was already previewing the next wave, which is headed to market in October 2024 (see "'Heroscape' 2024 Product Release Calendar" and also, gallery for photos).

Renegade's board games were also on full-display.  Two games sort of stole center stage: Robo Rally: Transformers and Acquire 60th Anniversary Edition. Robo Rally: Transformers (see "'Transformers Robo Rally' ") was an IP combination that was destined to go together like peanut butter and jelly, and when it hit the streets at Gen Con, the response was overwhelmingly positive as expected. Acquire 60th Anniversary Edition was more of a whisper buzz for its October 2024 release (see "'Acquire: 60th Anniversary Edition'").  The new edition's deluxe components were gorgeous and took a lot of people by surprise as to how prettt Acquire can look with a "new suit"  on.

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