Square Enix will reduce the number of packs per Final Fantasy TCG booster box by half, starting with the Gunslinger in the Abyss booster set. This new booster set heads to retail on August 8, 2025.

The decision to reduce the number of boosters per box from 36 to 18 packs was made in an effort to make display boxes more affordable, according to Square Enix's solicits for the set. Cartons will still contain six boxes, and the number of packs per master carton will not change. Packs will still have 12 cards, and MSRP for this set will be $71.82.

The new set will feature characters from Final Fantasy XIV: The Twelve, including first appearances of The First Brood and Primals. This set also fleshes out Limit Break, which will add new strategies to decks. There will be 130 normal cards in the set and 174 premium cards, 42 with full art, a Special card, and a Crystal card.   

Square Enix was recently named as one of Diamond/Alliance's unsecured creditors in their Chapter 11 filings (see "Unsecured Creditor").