The oldest film studio in Japan, Shochiku Co., is creating an anime division, which will produce up to five animated features and TV series a year.  With film and TV studios, a theatrical distribution arm, movie theaters and home video distribution, Shochiku is a vertically integrated film powerhouse, which, although it has successfully distributed a number of anime titles such as Gensomaden Saiyuki, has never before ventured into anime production. 


With the success of anime, which has become a major contributor to Japan's economy, it just makes sense for Shochiku to get a piece of the action, and the company hopes to release its first anime project next year.  


This should be good news for anime fans since Shochiku has produced a number of high quality live action features including director Yoji Yamada's The Twilight Samurai, which is Japan's entry in this year's foreign language Oscar competition.