'A Wake-Up Call'
June 14, 2012
Ed West comments on the Big Two's current state of comics.
'I Have Let You Down'
June 14, 2012
John Munn of Comic Book Ink. will be closing his store after 10 years.
'Industry Should Support'
June 4, 2012
Edward Fuqua reacts to Mark Craddock’s comments on Kirkman and Moore.
'Op-Ed Piece'
May 31, 2012
Mark Craddock of Comic Book World comments on the WSJ trashing the Big Two's superhero comics.
'Complicated and Confusing'
May 27, 2012
Nick Smith of the Pasadena Public Library comments on the subject of creator's rights.
'Fair and Just Compensation at the Time?'
May 25, 2012
David Loftus of AK Comics comments on creator's rights.
'Did You Actually Watch the Movie?'
May 24, 2012
Michael Breakfield of Lone Star Comics questions Bennett's observations for The Avengers movie.
'The Issue is the Use of the Word'
May 9, 2012
Nick Smith of the Pasadena Public Library comments on censorship.
'Legacy Will Live on Forever'
May 8, 2012
Nick Barrucci of Dynamic Forces remembers Arthur Lieberman.
'A Perfect Storm'
May 7, 2012
Glen Soustek of Westlake Cards, Comics & Coins shares his FCBD experience.
'Let's Not Paint with a Broad Brush'
May 7, 2012
Ed West comments on the word 'censorship' being used in a negative way.
'The Direct Market is NOT Dead!'
April 27, 2012
Daniel McAbee of The Tangled Web comments on digital comics.