First Female Comic Book Heroine Returns
December 5, 2006
Devil's Due Publishing has acquired the rights to publish a comic book featuring Sheena Queen of the Jungle .
With Holiday Gift Guides
December 4, 2006
The December 8 issue of Entertainment Weekly features 'The Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide: 37 Great Ideas for Pop Culture Fans' as one of its cover blurbs.
Will Work with del Toro
December 4, 2006
Warner Brothers has hired Gary Dauberman to partner with director Guillermo del Toro to write the screen adaptation for DC's Deadman.
Times Two
December 4, 2006
Sunday's New York Times Book Review includes two pieces on graphic novels.
'The New Trends Shaping Pop Culture'
December 3, 2006
An ICv2 Release. Pop culture publishing and consulting company ICv2 has announced the second annual ICv2 Graphic Novel Conference at New York Comic Con next February.
Column by Steve Bennett
December 3, 2006
This week Bennett discusses the anthology comic format in America.
Book Series
November 30, 2006
Dynamic Forces announced a line of Historical Retrospective Books by Stan Lee, scheduled for release beginning in 2007.
Invites Suggestions For Successful Fundraising
December 3, 2006
Mark Craddock of Comic Book World, Inc. in Florence , KY , saw John Riley's idea to launch an industry-wide philanthropic project and is looking for suggestions from other retailers on how to secure donations for fundraisers .
On Growing a Female Audience for Comics
November 29, 2006
We spoke to Karen Berger, Senior Vice President of DC Comics, about Minx, the audience it seeks to reach, and how it fits into the current context of comics for teen girls, which are primarily manga.
New Releases Begin in February
November 29, 2006
In February Image Comics will begin publishing Kyle Baker's new releases, starting with Nat Turner Book 2: Revolution , continuation of the series The Bakers , and new titles, including Important Literary Journal .