From Fantagraphics Books
October 18, 2009
Preview of Strange Suspense: The Steve Ditko Archives Vol. 1 HC published by Fantagraphics Books. Scheduled to be released in November 2009.
'Add Me To The List'
October 18, 2009
Calum Johnston of Strange Adventures Comic Bookshops in Halifax, Canada read the recent article regarding BOOM! Studios' Disney line of titles and the resulting Talk Backs and had this to say.
Legendary Snags Comic Book Series
October 8, 2009
Legendary Pictures has acquired the rights to Warren Ellis’ Gravel comic book series.
Could Be Director's Next Project
September 25, 2009
Director Ron Howard is excited about helming an adaptation of The Strange Adventures of H.P. Lovecraft .
DC's Levitz on the Job He's Leaving
September 9, 2009
A few weeks back, we asked DC President and Publisher Paul Levitz about his job, which he’s leaving in conjunction with a re-organization of the company.
'My Last Reply to This Matter'
September 2, 2009
James Meeley of Sequential Treasures in Yakima, Washington read Mark Dudley's most recent Talk Back and addresses many of Mark's comments.
Column by Steve Bennett
August 4, 2009
This week Steve Bennett looks at the nerd prom and Grant Morrison's notably disparaging view of the geeks that attend it.
For the Holidays
July 28, 2009
The Lionsgate Marvel OVAs will be collected into a box set, Marvel Animation: 6 Film Set .
Horror/Mystery Anthology Comic from IDW
July 27, 2009
IDW has announced the November debut a ten-issue anthology comic created by Jennifer Love Hewit.
GN From Morgan Spurlock & Dark Horse
July 21, 2009
This spring Dark Horse Comics is publishing Supersized: Strange Tales From a Fast Food Culture.