Results 1680-1690 of 1701
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Lee's Batman Tops Piece Sales
October 4, 2002
Orders on the top comic titles almost uniformly dropped in October compared to September orders, with only one of the top 25 titles, Daredevil , eking out a gain.
The Truth in USA Weekend Edition
September 29, 2002
USA Today , the country's largest circulation daily newspaper, published a story on Marvel's new Captain America series, The Truth , on the front page of its Life section in last weekend's edition.
Plus Punisher Origin, but No Answers on Returns
September 17, 2002
The subject of Marvel's press conference today was the new Captain America mini-series, The Truth , by Robert Morales and Kyle Baker.
Quantity Estimates Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
July 24, 2002
Estimated quantities for initial orders on comics shipping in August 2002 from pop culture stores ordering from Diamond US.
5-Issue Mini-Series Due In November
June 26, 2002
Marvel is stirring the pot again -- this time with a five-issue mini-series by Robert Morales and Kyle Baker that functions like a 'prequel' to the long-running Simon/Kirby Captain America saga.
But Threes the Charm
May 29, 2002
Initial piece orders from comic stores on the top comic titles were weaker in June, with orders dropping on seventeen of the top 25 titles.
In Run-up to May Release
May 18, 2002
Although the Spider-Man movie did not debut until May 3, its influence was already apparent in the Top 10 Cool products in several categories in April.
More Retailers Bullish on FCBD
May 6, 2002
C orbit Wilkins, president of Captain Comics, Inc., Boise, Meridian, and Idaho Falls, ID, said, ' On Saturday, our stores sold over double our normal sales.'
It Didn't Work Here
May 6, 2002
Ron Savino of Ron's Collectors World and Jim Schifeling from Acme Comics share thoughts on how FCBD didn't work out at their stores.
Tie to the Movies More Closely
May 6, 2002
Anthony Furfferi from Empire Comics, Rochester, NY: 'My take is the promotion should have been tied into the release of the Spider-Man movie. Let's face it, that's what the hype really was about.'
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