Beginning this Fall
June 23, 2015
Marvel’s Agent Carter exec producers and showrunners Michele Fazekas and Tara Butters will write the re-launched Captain Marvel comic.
Comic and Gaming Illustrator
June 22, 2015
Earl Norem, an illustrator known for Marvel covers, gaming books, men's adventure magazines, and trading cards, passed away on June 19.
In New Ongoing Series
June 22, 2015
Marvel has announced a new ongoing Doctor Strange series by Jason Aaron and Chris Bachalo.
Rupert Wyatt Directing October 2016 Release
June 15, 2015
Fox has nabbed Rupert Wyatt, who helmed the franchise-restoring Rise of the Planet of The Apes , to direct the X-Men spin-off film Gambit.
Sales Estimates for May Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
June 15, 2015
These are estimates of the sales on comic books by Diamond U.S. to comic specialty stores during May 2015.
Sales Estimates for May Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
June 15, 2015
These are estimates of the sales on graphic novels by Diamond U.S. to comic specialty stores during May 2015.
Week of June 16, 2015
June 14, 2015
This week’s best home entertainment offerings are the genre films Chappie and Run All Night , plus the Argentinian black comedy Wild Tales , the final season of the excellent HBO series The Newsroom , and the first American Blu-ray edition of Miyazaki’s masterpiece Spirited Away .
Minor Factions Rise in 'Warriors of Middle-Earth'
June 12, 2015
The second expansion for Ares Games’ grand strategy game of fantasy warfare War of the Ring is scheduled to release in Q4.
Column by Marcus King
June 11, 2015
View from the Game Store is a new bi-weekly column by Marcus King, Director of Retail Operations at Troll and Toad in London, Kentucky. This week, King writes about welcoming a diverse clientele.
In Big Numbers
June 9, 2015
Over the last four weeks, Marvel has announced 27 delays on collections, 22 of them for four weeks or more, and 53 delays on Secret Wars titles.