No Distribution Channel Will Get All of Marvel's Products
November 13, 2001
In response to ICv2's question about Marvel's Walmart program at the Marvel press conference today, Marvel President Bill Jemas revealed that at least six million Ultimate Spider-Man #1 's are already in print.
Bundled in Mighty Marvel Must-Have in December
November 13, 2001
Marvel has decided to reprint Amazing Spider-man #36 as part of a 96-page Marvel Must-Have #2 along with Hulk #34 , Daredevil #26 , and X-Men Evolution #1 .
Supersize Prestige Editions Available in March
November 13, 2001
At Marvel's Wednesday press conference Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada announced that the publisher would begin a monthly hardcover program in March of 2002.
Strong Feelings Both Ways
November 11, 2001
Retailers have continued to send us their comments on Marvel's reprinting of the Ultimate #1s for Wal-Mart. The retailers who have written us have managed to highlight the overlapping elements of this complex issue.
He Doesn't Like It
November 6, 2001
Retailer Russ Toney of C&C Comics in St. Albans, West Virginia had some comments on Marvel's Ultimate reprints for Walmart...
Nation's Largest Retailer Gets Hard-to-Find First Issues
November 6, 2001
ICv2 has learned this week that Marvel has reprinted Ultimate X-Men #1 and Ultimate Spider-man #1 for Walmart -- the nation's largest retailer.
Up 6% over October
October 26, 2001
Comic and graphic novel orders were up month-to-month again in November, continuing a strong second half for North American comic sales with the largest dollar orders of the year to date.
Quantity Estimates Based on Diamond Title Indexes and External Title Data
October 26, 2001
Estimated quantities for initial orders for comics shipping in November from pop culture stores ordering from Diamond U.S.
Behind Quesada on Today
October 16, 2001
Heroes -- Marvel's tribute/benefit book for September 11th charities -- sold out its first printing at the distributor level on Wednesday, October 17th, the day it was released.
Mighty Marvel Must Have #1
October 8, 2001
At Diamond Comic Distributor's Las Vegas Retailer Summit, Marvel Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada announced that the publisher was going to reprint the hugely popular Origin #1 before the entire series is collected in a trade paperback