Local merchants partnered with Bookery Fantasy to make Free Comic Book Day a true community-wide event. Bookery Fantasy distributed coupons for several area businesses, for discounts at Yankee Peddler and Cakes for All Occasions, a two-week free trial membership at Midwest Martial Arts, and a free book from News Readers' Book Loft. Book Loft owner Diana Molnar reported hundreds of free books were claimed, and most were given out to people who had never visited News Readers or the Book Loft. Local WB affiliate WBDT (WB26) donated almost 100 Smallville footballs, courtesy of attorneys Dyer, Garofalo, Mann, & Schultz. All of the kids (and quite a few adults) also received a plastic spider ring--to remind them of a certain comic book hero-turned-movie star.
With the Spider-Man movie opening to record-breaking box office revenues in excess of $100 million, the timing for Free Comic Book Day couldn't have been better. 400 copies of the FCBD edition of Ultimate Spider-Man #1 were distributed at a Wednesday sneak peek of the Spider-Man movie by WXEG X-103.9. X-103.9 disc jockey Scott Mallory gave away Spider-Man prize packages all week long, including a Randy Bowen statue Grand Prize, cross promoting the movie and Bookery's participation in Free Comic Book Day.
Response to Free Comic Book Day exceeded Bookery's expectations, and the visitors to Bookery for the first time were impressed by the staff, selection, organization, and size of the shop. Many customers thanked the staff for their generosity, and promised to come back (on a less busy day!).
Bookery Fantasy would like to recognize all of the staff who worked to make Free Comic Book Day a success. Sam Kim, Kevin Adkins, and Khalid Smith, the regular Saturday crew, rose to the challenge, putting out extra effort and maintaining the store's high standards for customer service. Lanny Burton, our Basement Stock Manager, was put to task, constantly restocking the free 'extras' from our back issue warehouse. Lanny's wife Holly and son James worked the FCBD table, passing out coupons, explaining the event, and pushing those plastic spider rings. Holly also baked Green Goblin 'Pumpkin Bomb' cupcakes for the staff.