Week of July 31st, 2012
July 29, 2012
Two Marvel Anime series, a quirky sci-fi Britcom and classics on BD worth noting.
From ICv2's 'Internal Correspondence' #79
July 26, 2012
This chart of the ICv2 "Top 10 Superhero Properties" reflects sales in all channels for Spring 2012.
From ICv2's 'Internal Correspondence' #79
July 26, 2012
This chart of the ICv2 "Top 10 Genre Properties" reflects sales in all channels for Spring 2012.
The Market, Being Co-Publishers
July 26, 2012
We talk about the changing market and their co-publisher roles.
From 'ICv2's Internal Correspondence' #79
July 25, 2012
This chart of the Top 5 Roleplaying Games (hobby channel) reflects sales in Spring 2012.
From 'ICv2's Internal Correspondence' #79
July 25, 2012
These charts of the Top 5 Collectible Games Over-all, Top 5 Mass Market Channel Collectible Games and Top 10 Hobby Channel Collectible Games reflect sales in Spring 2012.
In Spring 2012
July 25, 2012
The hobby game market began the year with a strong spring season.
'Magic' Up Again
July 23, 2012
Hasbro sales and earnings were down, but WotC was up.
Earns $160.9 Million
July 23, 2012
The Dark Knight Rises wins as expected, but box office rebound falls short.
And Graphic Novels
July 22, 2012
UDON will publish videogame-based art books and graphic novels.