Plus Interaction With Superman
August 11, 2015
CBS has released a new trailer for Supergirl which features a brief flash of upcoming villains, as well as an encounter with her cousin Superman.
Sales Estimates for July Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
August 10, 2015
These are estimates of the sales on comic books by Diamond U.S. to comic specialty stores during July 2015.
Sales Estimates for July Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
August 10, 2015
These are estimates of the sales on graphic novels by Diamond U.S. to comic specialty stores during July 2015.
'Rogue Nation' Stays at #1 as 'FF' Tanks
August 9, 2015
It was "clobberin' time" at the box office this weekend, and once again it was the Fantastic Four that got clobbered.
'The Goon,' 'Fear Agent,' and 'Flash Gordon'
August 3, 2015
At Gen Con, Pinnacle Entertainment Group announced three licensed comic properties will be adapted into Savage Worlds roleplaying games: The Goon, Flash Gordon, and Fear Agent
But Can't Best 'Guardians'
August 2, 2015
Mission: Impossible—Rogue Nation surpassed expectations as it easily took the weekend box office crown with $56 million, while the remake of National Lampoon’s Vacation disappointed.
ICv2 Reports on the Spring and Beyond
July 21, 2015
ICv2 found several broad trends at work in comic stores in first four months of 2015, and some big questions about where the market goes next.
From 'ICv2's Internal Correspondence' #88
July 21, 2015
This chart of the ICv2 "Superhero/Genre Franchises" reflects sales in all channels for Spring 2015.
DC Comic-Con News Round-Up
July 15, 2015
Comic-Con News: DC Entertainment released a plethora of announcements before and during San Diego Comic Con, and here we round-up those that weren’t covered individually, as well as present a list of links to individual stories.
'Looking forward to Season 2, but…'
July 13, 2015
Dave Brzeski of The House On The Borderland comments the upcoming season of The Flash.