Column by Steve Bennett
September 1, 2009
This week, Steve Bennett talks about those "I never thought I'd live to see the day" moments.
From Fox
September 1, 2009
20th Century Fox has hired a new producer and writer to do a reboot of Fantastic Four.
Putting It Together
September 1, 2009
Both Marvel and Disney have comic and graphic novel publishing operations; how will they be combined in the wake of the acquisition?
Or Vice Versa
September 1, 2009
There are some obvious ways that Disney’s acquisition of Marvel will play out across its major categories.
Stage Set for Battle of Titans
September 1, 2009
The Disney acquisition of Marvel on Monday is another step in the ongoing absorption of comics into Hollywood,...
'I Would Like to Clearify My Position'
August 31, 2009
Mark Dudley, Illustrator and Sequential Artist, has been following the
replies to his two previous Talk Backs and writes in again to clarify
his position on mature comic book content.
In $4 Billion Deal
August 31, 2009
Disney and Marvel announced this morning that the Walt Disney Company will acquire Marvel Entertainment in a stock and cash deal valued at $4 billion.
In $4B Deal
August 31, 2009
Disney and Marvel announced this morning that the Walt Disney Company will acquire Marvel Entertainment in a stock and cash deal valued at $4 billion.
'We Need a Rating System'
August 30, 2009
Michael Tierney of Collector's Edition and The Comic Books Store in North Little Rock, Arkansas read Mark Dudley's most recent Talk Back and offers his thoughts on establishing a uniform ratings system for comic books.
'Excuse Me While I Laugh'
August 30, 2009
Jerry Ringi of Amazing Fantasy Comics in Chesapeake, Virginia read the recent article regarding the growth of mobile comics and had this to say.