Results 8110-8120 of 10213
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Not Fair to Stores That Carry Comics and Games
April 30, 2008
John Cashman of Cashman’s Comics in Bay City, Michigan, saw the new about the Secret Invasion/HeroClix cross promotions and doesn’t think it is fair to exclude stores like his that already carry both games and comics.
Cross-promotion Planned
April 28, 2008
WizKids and Marvel are cooperating to incorporate a current editorial event in Marvel Comics into an upcoming HeroClix set.
With Burger King
April 28, 2008
The Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood is taking on the Burger King promotion for this week’s release of Marvel’s Iron Man film.
On 2008
April 27, 2008
We sat down with Upper Deck's Scott Gaeta at the recent GAMA Trade Show in Las Vegas to talk about Upper Deck’s release plans for 2008.
More on History, Q&A
April 26, 2008
In Part 5, the panelists continue the discussion of the events in a historical context, and answer a question from the audience.
Favorite Con Moments
April 23, 2008
In Part 3, panelists share their favorite New York comic convention moments.
First New York Conventions
April 23, 2008
In Part 2, Levitz wraps up the “first convention” recollections, and a discussion is held to properly place the dates of the convention.
Introductions, the First Show
April 23, 2008
In Part 1, Griepp introduces the panel, kicks off with a favorite Phil Seuling story, and asks the panelists about their first New York comic convention experiences.
Column by Steve Bennett
April 23, 2008
This week, Bennett takes us around the horn at New York Comic Con.
'Transformers,' 'Star Wars,' & Board Games Drive Sales
April 21, 2008
Hasbro posted a strong 13% growth in net revenues for the first quarter of 2008.
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