Results 8910-8920 of 17165
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Sales Estimates for August Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
September 5, 2014
These are estimates of the sales on comic books by Diamond U.S. to comic specialty stores during August 2014.
Year-Over-Year Growth Continues
September 5, 2014
Both comics and graphic novels post solid gains in August.
To Stage Pop Culture Cons on the Subcontinent
September 5, 2014
ReedPOP will help stage Cons all across India.
Greg Berlanti and Ali Adler Producing
September 4, 2014
WB TV planning to pitch a Supergirl series to the Nets in a couple of weeks.
The 'Twin Peaks' of Superhero Comics
September 4, 2014
New Secret Six team includes Catman and Black Alice.
Key Marvel Colorist and Archie Artist
September 3, 2014
Created the color schemes for the Stan Lee and Jack Kirby Marvel heroes.
For Seven October-Shipping Titles
September 3, 2014
Check out five of the variant covers here.
Screenwriter Hired
September 3, 2014
The Rock to play Black Adam, screenwriter hired.
First Time Rights Have Been Sold Before Any Broadcasts
September 3, 2014
Gotham rights bring big bucks even before first episode airs.
Column by Steve Bennett
September 3, 2014
This week, Bennett talks about Disney and Marvel movies, and why Big Hero 6 is a Disney movie.
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