Feels Comics Dissed
July 19, 2004
Ilan Strasser of Fat Moose Comics didn't like the portrayal of comics in Spider-Man 2 .
And Marvel Subs
July 12, 2004
Teresa Moran of Acadiana Books & Comic Shop in Lafayette, Louisiana saw Noel Broessel's comments on Free Comic Book Day and responded, as well as responding to Donald Riordan's comments on Marvel's ads for subscriptions in comics.
Thanks Again
July 12, 2004
Andy Battaglia of Comics Etc. in Rochester, New York saw Donald Riordan's recent comment on Marvel subscription ads in comics and sent us his thoughts.
Why Not Comics?
July 14, 2004
Steve Bennett of Dark Star Books in Yellow Springs, Ohio asks a question we're also curious about concerning the MIA W.I.T.C.H. comic series from Disney.
Over the Next 18 Months
July 12, 2004
Marvel Enterprises, Inc. has announced that its Board of Directors has authorized a $100 million common stock repurchase program.
Work Paid Off
July 13, 2004
David Brawley and Robert Miller of Sarge's Comics in New London, Connecticut sent their experience with this year's Free Comic Book Day.
How about a Minimum Advertised Price?
July 11, 2004
Bobby Walker of Cosmic Talkes in Tahlequah, Oklahoma saw Donald Riordan's comments on Marvel subscription ads and sent us his response.
Champ Down Just 47% in Second Frame
July 11, 2004
In its second week of release Spider-Man 2 maintained the top spot in the box office derby, pulling in an estimated $46 million and running its cumulative total to more than $257 million.
Record Number of Exhibitors Signed Up
July 11, 2004
Gen Con Indianapolis has set a new record with more than 300 exhibitors signed up some six weeks before the start of the show.
Burlyman Titles to Debut in Q4
July 11, 2004
Larry and Andy Wachowski have teamed up with Steve Skroce, Geoff Darrow, and Spencer Lamm...