Results 30-40 of 155
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Sales Drop, but Less Steeply than Adult Top 20
August 8, 2023
Year over year sales are down for the Kids Top 20, but not as sharply as they are for the adult chart.
From 'ICv2's Internal Correspondence' #104
July 26, 2023
This top graphic novel franchise chart originally appeared in ICv2's Internal Correspondence #104.
Tracking the New Titles
July 17, 2023
We're following some of the newer titles in the Top 20.
New Title Bolsters the Numbers
July 17, 2023
A new volume debuts with strong sales to give the Top 20 a boost.
New Volumes of Ongoing Series Add Variety to the Top 20
June 16, 2023
Three of the titles in the Top 20 provide an interesting perspective on the long tail.
Sales Are Down but May Be Leveling Off
June 16, 2023
Year over year sales were down in May 2023, but not by as much as the year before.
'Class Act' Debuts; 'Dog Man' Dominates
May 12, 2023
The new Dog Man book topped the chart, and Jerry Craft’s Class Act made its debut appearance.
Strong 'Dog Man' Sales Keep Sales on an Even Keel
May 12, 2023
Kids' graphic novel sales stayed level in April, thanks to the latest Dog Man title.
Sales Rankings (Units and Dollars) Based on Comic Store POS Data
May 1, 2023
These are unit and dollar sales rankings based on sales tracked at point-of-sale by the ComicHub system at stores selling American graphic novels (and manga) around the world.
A First - DC Gets a Title in the Top 20
April 13, 2023
One of DC's original graphic novels made the Top 20 for the first time.
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