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The Two Towers, Road to Perdition Also Winners
March 23, 2003
Hayao Miyazaki's Spirited Away took the Oscar for Best Animated Feature on Sunday, beating nominated titles from Dreamworks, Disney, and Fox.
Shipping in November
March 22, 2003
Sabertooth Games COO Luke Peterschmidt revealed additional details about the Lord of the Rings 'Tradeable Miniatures Game.'
Will Smith Will Star
March 8, 2003
Isaac Asimov's classic I, Robot stories are headed for the screen in a big budget film version from Twentieth Century Fox that is set to start shooting in May.
Another Live Action Genre Series
March 8, 2003
ADV Films announced the acquisition of video rights to the live action TV series BeastMaster .
Will Handle Sales & Marketing For Paper Goods
March 5, 2003
Fast Forward Entertainment has reached an agreement with Human Head Studios to handle all the sales, marketing, shipping, and invoicing of Human Head's paper game line.
Hulk, X2, LOTR
February 26, 2003
For 2003, Toy Biz has three of the hottest movie licenses-- Hulk , X2, and LOTR: Return of the King .
Join Forces To Publish Strategy Boardgames
February 26, 2003
Fantasy Flight Games of Roseville, Minnesota has formed a strategic partnership with Phalanx Games of Weesp, The Netherlands.
LOTR, Trek, Bond, Simpsons
February 24, 2003
Sideshow Collectibles continues to target hardcore collectors with a bevy of superbly sculpted polystone figures.
Moorcock To Act As Producer
February 23, 2003
Universal Pictures' and Chris and Paul Weitz's Depth of Field production company has optioned Michael Moorcock's epic series of fantasy novels, The Elric Saga .
LOTR Minis, Classic Star Trek Figs
February 22, 2003
Art Asylum began as a design studio creating sculpts for other companies, but has emerged as one of the up-and-coming forces in both the creation and production of action figures.
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