Results 1400-1410 of 1497
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WSJ Says It Will Be Tough
July 22, 2002
Tom King's article in Friday's edition of the Wall St. Journal examines the Disney studio's difficulties in selling Hayao Miyazaki's Spirited Away to American audiences.
Magic Back on Top in Games
July 18, 2002
In comics, Spidey still holds three of the Top 10 Cool Comics in June, with the Kevin Smith-penned Spider-Man/Black Cat #1 in the top slot.
Retail Site Founder Takes Over
July 17, 2002
Wizards of the Coast announced today that the company has reached an agreement to outsource its online retail business to Sean Vanderasson, owner and manager of SVGames L.L.C.
20 Years in Business
July 13, 2002
When Ilan Strasser of Fat Moose took issue with Farace's previous comments on Yu-Gi-Oh , it prompted Farace to stress his longevity using his current strategy.
No More Sharing with Pokemon
July 8, 2002
Beckett Publications announced that the Beckett Yu-Gi-Oh Collector magazine, which is currently a 'flip-book' with the Beckett Pokemon Collector , will henceforth proceed on its own as the Yu-Gi-Oh Collector .
Opportunity or Excuses?
July 7, 2002
Mark Farace of All American Collectibles in St. Louis was prompted by recent comments on Yu-Gi-Oh to let us know that he's focused on the opportunity and thinks complaints about availability are off base.
Stop This Trend Before It's Too Late
July 1, 2002
Ralph Finck of The Batter's Box in Truro, Nova Scotia, sent us a copy of his letter to Upper Deck on the unavailability of Yu-Gi-Oh to his store.
Bravo Upper Deck! Thumbs down to the Poke-parents!
July 1, 2002
Chris Pollichemi of Altered States Game and Hobby in Syracuse, New York has a different slant on the Yu-Gi-Oh shortage in hobby stores. He feels Upper Deck is making the right moves, but doesn't think much of the game, or some of its purchasers.
Get It While It Lasts
June 30, 2002
Gail Burt of Metropolis Comics in Downey, California chimed in to offer Fred Swayne of Infinity Entertainment some advice on making money on the Yu-Gi-Oh craze.
???I Hope this Fails for Them???
June 30, 2002
We recently covered the introduction of the online version of Magic: The Gathering . Jerry Ringi feels it's an attack on his livelihood.
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