Results 1490-1500 of 1553
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Monty Python, Marvel, Imports
March 1, 2003
Diamond Select's showroom at this year's New York Toy Fair was more crowded than ever. New licenses including Monty Python and the Holy Grail contributed to the growth as did the natural expansion of the Diamond's Marvel line.
Hulk, X2, LOTR
February 26, 2003
For 2003, Toy Biz has three of the hottest movie licenses-- Hulk , X2, and LOTR: Return of the King .
Plus Spongebob CCG Details
February 23, 2003
Upper Deck's burgeoning Entertainment Division has just announced another new release based on its license from Nickelodeon-- Nicktoons Trading Cards.
With Great Graphic Novel Publicity
February 22, 2003
Twentieth Century Fox's film version of Marvel's Daredevil came in as the top-grossing film for its second weekend, taking in $19 million for a ten day total of over $70 million.
Out In July
February 18, 2003
Upper Deck is in the process of putting together a new Marvel Universe CCG. The initial starter and booster pack products are scheduled for July,...
Covering the Movie and More
February 17, 2003
Upper Deck will release Incredible Hulk cards in conjunction with Ang Lee's summer blockbuster film, which opens on June 20.
$43.5 Million Estimate for First Weekend
February 15, 2003
Daredevil opened strong, its $43.5 million opening a record for a President's Day weekend, and the second best ever for a February opening, behind Hannibal two years ago.
An Overview of Movie Merchandising Prospects
February 8, 2003
The list of films below represents our best judgment as to which of the many films slated for 2003 actually have merchandising potential.
From Art Asylum & Diamond Select
February 5, 2003
The Diamond Select/Art Asylum Marvel Minimates will include the characters from this year's bumper crop of Marvel movies, Daredevil, Hulk , and the X-Men .
5 Volumes In April At $12.95
January 29, 2003
Barnes & Noble Books, the publishing arm of the largest book retail chain in the U.S., is publishing paperback editions of five volumes of the Marvel Masterworks series in April.
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