Results 30-40 of 164
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Big Jump for Top 20 Sales in Superheroes; Author, Manga Categories Stay Level
January 12, 2023
Sales of the Top 20 titles in the Superhero category saw a big jump compared to last year, while the other two stayed almost level.
Make Way for Webtoons!
December 6, 2022
Three-fourths of the titles on the Author chart are comics that started out as vertical-scroll webtoons.
Weakness in the Top Ranks
December 6, 2022
The numbers are down, one way or another, for the top sellers on all three charts.
'Miracleman' Debuts; 'Chainsaw Man' and Webtoons Dominate
November 7, 2022
The first omnibus of Miracleman, the impact of the Chainsaw Man anime, and webtoons are the stories this month.
Blockbusters Ain't What They Used to Be
November 7, 2022
Sales of new volumes of hit series aren't hitting their previous heights.
Two Up, One Down
October 17, 2022
Sales were up in two of the categories, down in the other.
'The Sandman', Webtoons, and a Cosplay Manga
September 12, 2022
The Sandman and webtoon adaptations did particularly well this month, and a new volume of cosplay manga makes the chart as well.
Media Adaptations and Nice Hardcovers
August 19, 2022
The July best-sellers show the power of adaptations as well as the tendency for fans of a franchise to gravitate toward hardcover editions.
Unit Sales of Webtoon Collections Growing
June 13, 2022
Sales of webtoon collections are growing, and expanding the Author graphic novel category with them.
A Good Month for Superheroes
April 13, 2022
Superhero graphic novels are usually the lowest sellers in the book channel, but March 2022 was an exception.
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