ComicsPro, the Comics Professional Retail Organization, in cooperation with the San Diego Comic-Con International is offering a wide range of retailer-oriented programming on Friday, July 27th and Saturday, July 28th.  On those days Room 22 at the San Diego Convention Center will be designated for retailer programming, while Room 21 will be set up as a Retailer-Networking lounge.


Friday's programming starts at 10:30 a.m. with a 'Dealing With Diamond' seminar followed by a ComicsPRO organizational meeting at 11:00.  Next comes 'Tech Tips From Diamond' at noon, which will be followed by 'Retailer Resources and Idea Sharing' at 1:00 p.m. and a discussion of community involvement and building a community led by Atom! and Portlyn Freeman of Brave New World in Santa Clarita, California at 2:30.   At 3:30 Joe Ferrara of Atlantis Fantasyworld in Santa Cruz, California introduces videos from a number of nominees for the Will Eisner Spirit of Retailing Award.  The Friday programming finishes up with a bang starting at 4:30 p.m. with the 'So You Want To Be A Comics Retailer,' which is open to all Comic-Con attendees and which features an all-star panel including ComicsPRO President Joe Field (Flying Colors Comics and Other Cool Stuff, Concord, California), Joe Ferrara, Nancy Trempe (Comics Unlimited, Westminster, California), Derrick Taylor (Comic Oasis, Las Vegas) and Diamond's Dave Hawksworth.


Saturday programming begins at 11:30 a.m. with 'ComicsPRO Retailer/Mentor Program,' a follow-up to the 'So You Want To Be A Comics Retailer' program with Joe Field, Chris Powell (Lonestar Comics), Amanda Fisher, and Carr D'Angelo sharing their experiences as successful comic shop entrepreneurs.


The retailer programming concludes on Saturday at 12:30 with 'ComicsPRO Wants You,' a chance for retailers to learn first hand how becoming a member of this retailer organization can improve their business.