Transformers will be released in regular DVD, Special Edition, and HD SKUs on October 16th.  The release will be supported by a campaign that Paramount Home Entertainment calls 'one of the biggest media campaigns in the division's history,' ensuring renewed awareness of the property that will drive sales of toys, graphic novels, games, and other products.  The film is also being re-released in Imax theaters on September 21st. 


Marketing for the DVD releases will include TV, print, radio, and online advertising; a viral marketing campaign; and special displays in major retailers. 


Chevrolet and Hostess have also signed on as promotional partners.  Chevrolet will promote a sweepstakes with a widespread ad campaign, and Hostess will put Transformers packaging on approximately 17 million products. 


The Transformers Special Edition DVD will include a second disc with bonus features including commentary by director Michael Bay and two multi-part documentaries.  The HD DVD will include Web-enabled features and Heads Up Display, which allows viewers to access running text commentary and picture-in-picture behind-the-scenes footage while watching the film.