A deal for the sale of key WizKids assets, including HeroClix, will be announced soon, according to several sources. Topps will reportedly sell the assets to a company newly formed for the purpose. It’s expected that new releases will start to flow later this year.
The last official word was from WizKids CEO Lax Chandra, who told ICv2 in late December that the company was “working hard to find a new home for the WizKids properties” (see “'HeroClix' Resolution Close?”).
One of two bidders to publicly emerge, Pinata Games (see “Interview with Pinata’s Jake Theis”), in a post on the Save HeroClix site, said that it is “working on a long-term deal with the new owners to collaborate with them on the relaunch and operation of HeroClix.” Pinata was formed by Jake Theis and Justin Ziran, formerly of WizKids.
The other bidder to go public, Catalyst Games (see “Catalyst Bids on WizKids Properties”), appears to be out of the picture.