Marvel’s Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men Utopia #1, the "chapter one" kickoff for the Dark Avengers/X-Men crossover event, was the #3 title, but it was unable to top 100,000 copies. Two titles over 100,000 was better than May, when no titles achieved that distinction.
In the post-Battle for the Cowl era, the Batman-related titles performed strongly with four titles placing in the Top 25. Batman #687 (with Dick Grayson in the Bat suit) was the #4 title selling 96,913 copies. Detective Comics #854, featuring the new Batwoman in the lead (and a new regular $3.99 cover price), came in at #13 with 72,808 copies sold. Red Robin #1 sold 64,261 copies for the #19 spot. Also, Batman: Gotham Streets #1 debuted at the #28 position with 57,650 copies and Gotham City Sirens #1 came in at #32 with 52,439 copies.
But nine Dark Reign titles from Marvel were the biggest cluster of titles in the top 25. The bestseller in the group, Dark Avengers, which shipped two issues this month, sold in the mid-90s. New Avengers, last month's number one title, slipped down to the #7 spot shedding some 6,300 copies.
Eight titles were up vs. 14 down vs. the previous issue in the top 25, a fairly typical mix.
Marvel and DC were unusually dominant, with the first title not from one of the Big Two (Dark Horse's Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Tales of the Vampires one-shot) not appearing until #37. The next non-Big Two title, Dynamite Entertainment's Project Superheroes: Chapter Two #0 $1.00 book, did not appear until the #66 position.
The bestselling graphic novel in comic stores in June, DC's Final Crisis hardcover, sold 8,219 copies. The #2 graphic novel, DC's All-Star Batman & Robin, the Boy Wonder Vol. 1 TP, sold 5,579 copies. And the #3 graphic novel was Deadpool Vol 1: Secret Invasion TP with 5,385 copies.
For the second month in a row, returns from the Watchmen consignment program outweighed new sales, leaving Watchmen off the Top 300 Graphic Novel list.
In market share, IDW was a solid #3 in both pieces and dollars, ahead of perennial #3 Dark Horse. Two other publishers with strength in licensed books are also showing share growth: Dynamite Entertainment was #6, BOOM! Studios was #7.
Here are ICv2's estimates of the sales by Diamond Comic Distributors to comic stores on the top 25 comic titles in June:
168,604 Batman and Robin #1
112,287 Captain America #600
97,680 Dark Avengers / Uncanny X-Men Utopia #1 DAX
96,913 Batman #687
95,746 Dark Avengers #5 DKR
93,634 Dark Avengers #6 DKR
88,067 New Avengers #54 DKR
87,339 Ultimatum #4 (of 5)
84,131 Green Lantern #42
83,086 Flash Rebirth #3 (of 6)
80,780 Dark Wolverine #75 DKR
76,283 Uncanny X-Men #512
72,808 Detective Comics #854
71,148 Uncanny X-Men #511
69,568 Thor #602
66,186 Wolverine #74
65,010 Mighty Avengers #25 DKR
64,608 Astonishing X-Men #30
64,261 Red Robin #1
63,574 Green Lantern Corps #37
63,525 Amazing Spider-Man #596 DKR
63,178 Mighty Avengers #26 DKR
61,646 Amazing Spider-Man #597 DKR
61,585 Amazing Spider-Man #598 DKR
61,115 Justice League of America #34
For an analysis of the dollar trends in June, see "Comic Sales Up in June."
For our estimates of actual orders to Diamond
For our estimates of actual orders to Diamond
For our estimates of actual orders to Diamond
For our estimates of actual orders to Diamond
For our index to our reports on the top comic and graphic novel preorders for January 2000 through June 2009, see "ICv2's Top 300 Comics and Top 300 GNs Index."