The Occupy Wall Street movement hit comics last week, with a Frank Miller blog post attacking the protesters, and a new Kickstarter project launched to create a book supporting the movement. Comics auteur Frank Miller published an attack on the protests on his blog on Friday. He leads off the post, titled “Anarchy,” with “Everybody’s been too damn polite about this nonsense,” which he quickly takes steps to correct. Calling the protesters “a pack of louts, thieves, and rapists, an unruly mob,” “clowns,” “pond scum,” “losers,” “babies,” and “schmucks,” Miller says the protests “can do nothing but harm America.” He urges protesters to “Go back to your mommas’ basements and play with your Lords of Warcraft” [sic]. The post set off a flurry of comments on the blog (over 4,000 in the first three days), a Twitterstorm, news coverage, and numerous blog posts supporting or condemning his comments, with some vowing to change their purchasing of Miller’s work (up or down) in response to his views.
The Kickstarter project went live on Thursday, with logistical support by Matt Pizzolo of indy film and comics studio Halo-8. It aims to publish a hardcover comic anthology titled Occupy Comics: Art + Stories Inspired by Occupy Wall Street, collecting work by Pizzolo, Ben Templesmith, Tim Seeley, Steve Niles, Joseph Michael Linsner, J.M. DeMatteis, Charlie Adlard, and others. Revenues from the project will be donated to OWS protests. The book will not appear until mid-to-late 2012. The Kickstarter project has raised about 2/3 of its $10,000 goal since its launch last week.