Dragon Ball and DBZ Figures
Jakks will release three series of the basic 5.5' DBZ line (series #12, #13, & #14) in 2003 starting with series 12 in the summer. All three series (retail $6.99 per figure) were designed by Irwin, but include some excellent figures including a 'battle-damaged' Goku in series 13. Even better than the DBZ figures are the 5.5' Dragon Ball figures that IF Labs designed. The first series, launching in Summer of 2003, includes General Blue, Master Roshi, Goku and Krillin, and the Pirate Robot.
Jakks is also manufacturing a number of 'Striking Z Fighters' ($7.99) that imitate the signature power moves the characters display in the TV series as well as a series of 'Energy Glow' ($9.99) figures with lights, sound effects and actual voice recordings of some of the most popular DBZ characters including Gohan, Trunks, and Goku (all in Super Saiyan mode).
DBZ figures are also available in two packs ($12.99) that feature the combatants in some of the key battles in the DBZ mythos. Goku and Vegeta, S.S. Gohan vs. Perfect Cell, and Goku vs. Raditz are just a few of the pairings from two series of 2-packs, one of which launches in the Summer, followed by a second for the Fall.
Jakks is also continuing the IF Labs series of 7' and 9' figures from the DBZ Movie Collection and the Dragon Ball Collector series. These high quality figures, which include Android #13, Super Android #13, Trunks and Vegeta, have a suggested retail price of $14.99.
DBZ Play Sets